Wednesday 22 April 2009


by kevin day
found here


1 comment:

  1. I wrote this in response to the comments you left on my tumblr account (specifically the BSP one), and realized you probably wouldn't know that I wrote back. That is, unless you check back religiously, which I highly doubt! Here's what I wrote:

    Oh no! I do remember hearing about this, and I certainly wouldn't have caught him either! One of the members happened to jump back on my friend, matter of fact - nearly broke her camera! But in the end, nobody was hurt, so it was all laughs. They are self-indulgent, indignant, and probably the sort of people I'd feel like punching in the nose at some point, I don't doubt!
    Thanks for your comments, Sophie! I looked at your blog, and it seemed wonderful. That being said, you should get a Tumblr account!
